Thursday, July 2, 2009

Make the Most Out of Your 4th of July House Party

By: Alicia Schuller, Marketing Coordinator, NHS of Baltimore

Its that time of year again- when we celebrate our independence by taking a long weekend spent grilling outside, lounging with a cold drink and dazing at the fireworks as they light up the evening sky.

Here are some insider tips to making your home an enjoyable place to be for your 4th of July party.

Grilling: Ah, our favorite summer pass time- First, you want to make sure your grill is prepped and ready to go before you even think about lighting it up. Be sure to clean off any old debris and check to see that the propane tank (if applicable) is adequately full. Also remember that if you rent or own an apartment that has a wood deck in Baltimore city, you are prohibited from grilling on the deck due to fire danger. Place your grill somewhere safe, away from trees and the side of your home, to ensure that wind will not be able to carry the flame.

Creating adequate shade for your guests- Living in Maryland, most of you know how hot it can get in July. If you are hosting your party mainly outside, you want to be sure that people have a way to get out from under the hot sun. If you do not have a covered deck or patio on your home, you may want to consider putting lawn umbrellas over any place where people may congregate. Too much over-exposure to the sun earlier in the day may send them packing before the grand finale` that night.

Offer plenty of cool drinks- Cool drinks are a must for a successful outdoor, summer party, but be sure to vary them. While we all want to drink alcohol and have a good time and soda just tastes better in summer, make sure you offer water to supplement both. Soft drinks and alcohol tend to dehydrate people really fast, which can be compounded by the heat. Try to see to it that your guests drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage.

Citronella Candles- Make sure you have plenty of them around! July and August are the worst months for mosquitoes and other insects. To avoid being swarmed by tons of blood suckers, strategically place the citronella candles around the perimeter of the area where people will gather. I say strategically because you don’t want your guests to be put off by the smoke or smell of the candles either.

If you remember to adhere to these four simple tips, your 4th of July celebration will be full of fireworks and fun. Enjoy and Happy 4th!